Diagnosis of human resources, staff recruitment and succession planning
The human resources department is involved in several facets, including human resources diagnostics, staff recruitment and succession planning. At Kojit Human Resources, we believe in investing in people, both in the short and long term.
Recruitment and selection of personnel
Staff recruitment: a crucial and necessary step in the development of any company. Yes, it is still a challenge today. And it is an eternal beginning for some people.
We help you in the selection of candidates corresponding to what you are looking for. INNOVATIVE! We use the NOVA tools to create a “job profile” and find the best person who “fits” your position via a psychometric test and a comparison with your position.
You will be sure that the selected person is on his “X” in his new functions.
Efficiency of administrative processes
The review of a company’s administrative processes is essential to the development of its personnel.
We come to help put in order the WHO DOES WHAT AND WHEN! Many companies trust us for the clarification, adjustment and sequencing of tasks, roles and responsibilities related to each process.
Benefits ?
Effectiveness and efficiency in work time are saved to be used on other projects.
Succession plans
This is something you need to think about for the sustainability of your business!
We help you identify opportunities internally: for the learning, training and professional development your organization needs for key and management positions (where few people can take over in the event of a sudden change) and externally: to think and prepare for a plan B and sometimes even C… over one, two and even three years.
Consulting role
Following a leave of absence, a transition or the departure of one of your human resources consultants, we remain at your side.
We act as a consulting role, on a lump-sum basis, even taking on part of or acting in a strategic position for an organization.
An organizational diagnosis for greater work performance management
Kojit Human Resources mobilizes its human capital around the organizational diagnosis of companies. This approach has a direct impact on the management of work performance.
Organizational diagnosis of human resources
We create a global portrait of your organization’s human resources. This approach, which is essential, allows us to develop innovative and proactive solutions.
The diagnosis of human resources is usually part of a company’s orientations.
A recommendations report allows the organization to put forward proposed solutions according to a proposed order of priorities.
Work Performance Management
Staff performance can be assessed using a variety of methods. We define the best one corresponding to your needs.
Organizational Structure
A company’s vision sometimes differs due to circumstances beyond its control, such as financial constraints, a pandemic, etc. . We assist companies in the quest for their objectives by proposing organizational structure options that are specific to each situation and meet your needs.
Did you know that…
Service Québec provides financial support to companies seeking better management, skills development and restructuring of their human resources. According to Service Québec’s criteria, financial assistance programs allow you to be reimbursed for up to 50% of the cost of eligible expenses.
Best of all: ALL services offered by Kojit Human Resources can be included in these eligible expenses ! Yes: Human resources services, the sociometric approach, training and executive, team or management training and coaching !!! Find out more!